If folks can’t see it, it doesn’t exist.
Share your knowledge of nuclear in your neighborhood and describe the services you offer.
Having a big meeting, on-site celebrity, webinar, plant tour, or other event? Be sure to announce it so everybody knows and gets excited about it.
What are your plans?
I'm looking forward to World Nuclear Energy Day this year. The inaugural, first-ever World Nuclear Energy Day was December 2nd, 2020; and it was packed with great events, celebrations, social media action and good networking. Folks were raving about on social media at hashtag #WorldNuclearEnergyDay
Is your office open for a tour and "meet and greet" event? Definitely promote it on World Nuclear Energy Day to get people excited about what you do.
Have you opened a new location, redesigned your shop, or added a new product or service? Don't keep it to yourself, let folks in your social media network chain know on World Nuclear Energy Day!
People have questions, you have answers. List, describe, and discuss the most frequently asked questions about nuclear energy, so everybody benefits. World Nuclear Energy Day celebrates "Nuclear in the Neighborhood" with YOU at the center.
Explore the world of nuclear in health, medicine, hospitals, clinics and more.
In conjunction with World Nuclear Energy Day, many companies announce big events, webinars and seminars. Be sure to announce it here so everybody knows and gets excited about it.
Imagine how best to share your own positive experiences with nuclear in a forum that is easy to access and has a global impact. Share your great stories to help turn potential adversaries into loyal supporters.
Are you interested to be a Global Network Ambassador for World Nuclear Energy Day? Reach to us and we'll connect you to a world of great people, professional events, and wonderful life-enriching experiences.
Share with others the wonderful impacts which nuclear has had on all our lives. Don't keep it to yourself, let folks know.
There are so many beneficial uses for nuclear. Consider food irradiation, space missions, navy ships, medicine, electricity, agriculture and many more. We celebrate on this day all the beneficial uses and applications for nuclear on World Nuclear Energy Day, so everybody benefits.
Share your knowledge, be a nuclear educator!
If you like nuclear energy, please make a donation. Suggesting $25 for individuals, $100 for institutions, $500 for corporations with leaders at $1,000.
Your support as a sponsor or partner will enable us to grow faster, meet our goals, broaden outreach, and recognize the heroes!
The multilingual, virtual World Nuclear Energy Day events span several time zones and feature prominent activists from every continent, focused on the crucial role that educators play in combating misinformation while also highlighting the positive role that nuclear plays in the climate change battle and why we need transformative nuclear energy education now.
Your generous donation in any amount will fund the mission for World Nuclear Energy Day events and celebrations.
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