World Nuclear Energy Day is December 2nd, annually. Each year there is a new theme which helps us achieve the goal to reach nuclear advocates on a global scale, highlighting the benefits of nuclear energy to the environment and our society.
The theme shown in the video has evolved each year as we reflect and commit to timely goals. This year's theme, "A Chain Reaction", offers a nod to the community we have built through previous years, tand a dedication to continue raising awareness worldwide.
World Nuclear Energy Day 2021 Overview
The multilingual, virtual World Nuclear Energy Day events spanned several time zones and featured prominent activists from every continent, focused on the crucial role that educators play in combating misinformation while also highlighting the positive role that nuclear plays in the climate change battle and why we need transformative nuclear energy education now.
Global Events
Workshops, panel discussions, and special performances focused on nuclear energy covering educational outreach, emerging green technologies, and innovative thinking that can restore the world’s ecosystems with nuclear energy.
Participant Leaders
World climate leaders, grassroots activists, health-care professionals, nonprofit innovators, thought leaders, industry leaders, safe power designers, artists, musicians, dance troupes, influencers, and the leaders of tomorrow gathered to push us towards a better world with nuclear energy.
Canadian Nuclear Laboratories (CNL) Celebrates World Nuclear Energy Day
Today is #WorldNuclearEnergyDay, a day on which CNL and others in Canada's #nuclear community show our support for, and pride in this amazing technology which supplies clean energy, serves as a live-saving tool in the fight against cancer, and helps to enable advancements in our understanding of the world around us.
This year, #worldnuclearenergyday recognizes the commitment of all those in this energy sector who worked tirelessly throughout the pandemic to provide the energy to power our homes, businesses and other critical infrastructure.
Why December 2? On this day, Fermi’s first nuclear reactor named Chicago Pile-1 became the first in the world to create a self-sustaining chain reaction. Canada wasn't far behind, as second in the world to achieve this feat, with our ZEEP (Zero Energy Experimental Pile) achieving criticality in 1945.
Online Webinar Celebration in Indonesia held by Indonesian Nuclear Society Association.
As a celebration of World Nuclear Energy Day in Indonesia on December 2nd, 2021 there will an online webinar hosted by the Indonesian Nuclear Society Association (HIMNI). HIMNI as an association that actively provides nuclear education to the general public through several activities.
One of the routine activities is the organization of online webinars with topics related to the utilities and the development of nuclear technology from various perspectives.
On this occasion, HIMNI took part in celebrating World Nuclear Energy Day by presenting the online webinar on "The Challenge of Hydrogen Production in Indonesia? - Nuclear is The Solution".
This activity also raises the role of women in the energy sector.
The webinar is moderated by one of the representatives of Women In Nuclear in Indonesia and Head of Women’s Development Division at HIMNI, Dr. Geni R. Sunaryo. She is an expert in nuclear reactor safety from National Research and Innovation Agency.
The invited women speakers come from state-owned enterprises and the Agency for Assessment and Application of Technology which are engaged in the energy sector. Currently the need for energy to support various aspects of life is very large, but the challenges faced besides being able to produce energy in large quantities are environmentally friendly energy.
The webinar will be broadcast online via YouTube.
Come and join the webinar via the link below.
Thursday, December 2, 2021 at 4-6pm West Indonesian Time (WIB)
Zoom Meeting ID: 885 9589 2083
passcode: wisnubroto
Progrès Nucléaire Celebrates World Nuclear Energy Day right in the heart of the annual World Nuclear Exhibition
Parc des expositions Paris Nord Villepinte, Paris, France
John Laurie, President of Progrès Nucléaire, a French Association and his team are celebrating World Nuclear Energy Day in style!
They are on the move as they explain that molten salt reactors are currently the best technology to meet the challenges of energy prosperity and global warming by offering a safe and efficient solution.
Learn more here:
South Africa celebrates World Nuclear Energy Day
South Africa celebrates nuclear contribution to industrialization, job creation, economic growth and clean environment.
Two groups; Africa Young Generation Nuclear and Women in Nuclear South Africa have teamed up to celebrate World Nuclear Energy Day December 2nd.
This team has a clever project to design, bake, distribute and share cupcakes bearing positive nuclear messages with people on the streets of Pretoria and at the research reactor in Pelindaba.
Duke Energy celebrates World Nuclear Energy Day with Video
Duke Energy celebrates nuclear and the people who make it happen. Scott, the Duke Energy Nuclear Energy Guy, moderates a celebration of nuclear and the people at Duke Energy who make it happen!
Nuclear Energy has a positive impact on our world. It’s carbon-free, reliable, safe and economical. Join us in learning about World Nuclear Energy Day!
Watch their YouTube video celebration here!
Or, click button below.
"Friends of Nuclear Energy" (FoNE) celebrates World Nuclear Energy Day at COP26 in Glasgow
Friends of Nuclear Energy (FoNE) has had its best year yet: doubling its follower base, holding seven online and in-person speaker events, hosting the UK's "stand up for nuclear" (SUFN) action, attending the worldwide SUFN event in Brussels and attending the two weeks of COP26 in Glasgow.
With a focus on Instagram advocacy, FoNE has posted multiple mini-series about nuclear's relevance to UN's sustainability goals, ESG compliance, sustainable construction, the green recovery and the need for a just transition.
They've done a great job to point out that 1 gummy bear-sized uranium pellet could supply Glasgow's electricity for 1.3 years, and produces the equivalent amount of power as around 1 ton of coal!
Friends of Energy Northwest's Columbia Generating Station Celebrate World Nuclear Energy Day
Friends of Energy Northwest's Columbia Generating State in Richland, Washington (USA) gather to celebrate on World Nuclear Energy Day
Thomas and Cleda Galioto of Kennewick, WA
"Our family has lived for many years in southeastern WA State, and we are very proud of and appreciate having Energy Northwest's Columbia Generating Station (CGS) as our neighbor and community partner."
Friends give a shout out and Thank You to the entire CGS team!
Ontario Power Generation, of Canada, Celebrates World Nuclear Energy Day with Announcement of SMR Technology Partner
Clarington, ON – Today, on World Nuclear Energy Day,
December 2nd, 2021, Ontario Power Generation (OPG) is announcing it will work together with GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy to deploy a Small Modular Reactor (SMR) at the Darlington new nuclear site, the only site in Canada currently licensed for a new nuclear build. Leveraging a strong Ontario-based supply chain, this clean energy project will create jobs across the province and cement Durham Region’s position as the clean energy capital of Ontario.
Learn more:
Innovate Australia and the Australian Nuclear Association bring you a fantastic 2 hour event to celebrate World Nuclear Energy Day
Moderator- Peter Damen- Chief Executive Officer / Managing Director, Level 5 Design
Peter Kasprzak
Co-Founder and CEO at Innovate Australia, Official Partner of the World Nuclear Energy Day
Jim Scherrer
Coordinator, World Nuclear Energy Day (USA)
Warren McKenzie
Founder and Managing Director, HB11 Energy
Ross Elliott
Director Business Development - Australia, StarCore Nuclear
Joanne Lackenby
President, Australian Nuclear Association
The presentations will be followed by a Q&A session and a general discussion moderated by Peter Damen
World Nuclear Energy Day in Australia is set up for 9AM Perth time which is 8PM USA East Coast on the 1st of December.
World Nuclear Exposition highlights Small Modular Reactors and Advanced Reactors on World Nuclear Energy Day, December 2nd, 2021
2nd December has been declared "SMR & Advanced Reactors Day" at the World Nuclear Exhibition in Paris, France.
At 11:30 CET there will be a panel discussion, with representatives of Rosatom, EDF, OPG, Moltex Energy, CNSC, GE Hitachi, IAEA and Tractebel, as well as the most excellent thinker Rauli Partanen from Finland.
Details Here:
Progrès Nucléaire will be there to celebrate World Nuclear Energy Day on December 2nd, 2021.
Nuclear Engineering students of the largest university in Brazil, UFRJ (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro), celebrate World Nuclear Energy Day
As a celebration of #WorldNuclearEnergyDay, students from the first nuclear engineering course in Brazil will be unprecedentedly representing its region with the support of the Nuclear Engineering Program (PEN - Programa de Engenharia Nuclear).
Vinicius de Melo Monteiro stands for the regional ambassador and performs the leadership of this group which includes Gabriely Carvalho da Silva, Daiana da Silveira Ribeiro, and Igor Monsueto Vitorino. Furthermore, each member is engaged with the scientific divulgation about nuclear energy through a portal called Canal Irradiação (@canalirradiacao), where our activities schedules (webinars, interviews, graphics contents, videos) for the event will be available.
Thorium Energy Alliance celebrates World Nuclear Energy Day
The Thorium Energy Alliance is an educational advocacy organization; a nonprofit group composed of engineers, scientists, and concerned citizens interested in reducing the cost of energy, increasing the availability of critical materials and protecting the health of the planet and the future of the human race with an objective to lay the foundation for a thorium energy future.
Spain Young Generation Nuclear celebrates World Nuclear Energy Day
Jóvenes Nucleares of Spain celebrates World Nuclear Energy Day 2021, with a live video session through Zoom retransmitted live through their Twitch channel at
The presentation will be in Spanish at 18:30 CET with the title:
"Beyond Electricity: other apps of nuclear technology" where they will be covering some non-electrical applications in a scope that any person of the general public could follow and grasp the key ideas.
For this, 3 colleagues from the Board of Jóvenes Nucleares of Spain will be moderating and presenting allowing for Q&A towards the end (45 minutes duration).
Some further links: Facebook (3) Home / Twitter
Join A Virtual Event
World Nuclear Energy Day is celebrated as a "virtual event". Because of the ubiquity of digital meeting and event management technologies, World Nuclear Energy Day can be celebrated by everyone with access to a digital device. Further, because of the continuing Covid-19 Pandemic, there is merit to having no single, central event. However, there are many events (both in person and virtual) which are organized and hosted by supporters of World Nuclear Energy Day, on or near December 2nd. Scan the list below and join in yourself where the invitation is offered.
Explore Events Worldwide
World Nuclear Energy Day unites people world wide to get to know nuclear energy and to participate in a single-day celebration that fosters education, enables participation and stimulates communication that highlights the achievements of the nuclear energy industry.
This is all about YOU!
There are many ways you can get involved and individually or collectively make a difference. Whether you organize an outreach event in your company, community or institution, inspire the public through a professional society or chapter, help a teacher to bring it into the classroom or become a donor or sponsor, you can be an advocate for World Nuclear Energy Day!
Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) Celebrates World Nuclear Energy Day
What’s happening on December 2 and why is this date significant for #nuclearenergy? It’s World Nuclear Energy Day! This date commemorates two historic firsts occurring on December 2: the first self-sustaining chain reaction in 1942 and start-up of the first commercial scale electric power reactor in 1957.
Fast forward to 2021: the date is a global celebration of nuclear energy’s contributions to society and the people that design, build, operate and support the broad range of nuclear technologies. Check out virtual activities around the world hosted by universities, innovators and energy advocates: #worldnuclearenergyday #nuclearintheneighborhood
Nigerian Young Generation Nuclear Celebrates World Nuclear Energy Day
Nigerian Young Generation Nuclear invites you to a webinar on World Nuclear Energy Day on December 2nd at 11AM (WAT time - West African Time). The theme is "Nuclear in the Neighborhood" and includes presentations by speakers throughout the region.
Join Zoom Meeting
World Nuclear Energy Day unites people world wide and this event brings you to Nigeria and their leadership in youth education of nuclear energy.
Sign up with Zoom Link, Meeting ID and Passcode
There are many ways you can get involved with World Nuclear Energy Day, and here is a "virtual meeting" invitation from Nigeria.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 615 671 8397
Passcode: D3Wnnx
Become a donor or sponsor and you, too, can be an advocate for World Nuclear Energy Day!
India Celebrates World Nuclear Energy Day
Nuclear Engineering students of the Mody University, India
As a celebration of #WorldNuclearEnergyDay, Ridhi V.Raaj also known as Parmanu Mitra means Atoms Friends along with her college colleagues are going to celebrate it by organizing Poster Competitions based on the theme Nuclear in Neighbourhood and how nuclear is beneficial for the Society on December 2nd, 2021. Apart from this she is also running YouTube channel making videos on how Nuclear technology can be use in various sectors and how we can implement AI and IOT technology in making Nuclear Power more strong.
We Help Promote your Virtual Event
World Nuclear Energy Day is celebrated as a "virtual event". If you are planning an event, please send us all the details and we will post them here so people can watch or sign up, or attend in person.
Explore Events Worldwide with Hashtag #WorldNuclearEnergyDay
We promote World Nuclear Energy Day both here on this web site and in social media with the hashtag #WorldNuclearEnergyDay. Please post your events using this hashtag and people around the world can find them and join in.
Is there Nuclear in your Neighborhood?
Are you a neighbor to nuclear? What does nuclear do near you? How do you know nuclear? This is the place to share your experiences with nuclear in your neighborhood.
This is all about YOU!
There are many ways you can get involved and individually or collectively make a difference. Whether you organize or attend an outreach event in your company, community or institution, inspire the public through a professional society or chapter, help a teacher to bring it into the classroom or become a donor or sponsor, you can be an advocate for World Nuclear Energy Day!
President Macron Announces New Nuclear Plants for France
France will build new nuclear reactors to help the country lessen its dependence on foreign countries for its energy supplies, meet global warming targets and keep prices under control, President Emmanuel Macron said in advance of World Nuclear Energy Day
Celebrating Nuclear Engineering throughout France
"We are going, for the first time in decades, to relaunch the construction of nuclear reactors in our country and continue to develop renewable energies," Macron said in a televised address to the nation. This was meant "to guarantee France's energy independence, to guarantee our country's electricity supply and achieve our objectives, in particular carbon neutrality in 2050," he said.
Caruaru, Pernambuco celebrates World Nuclear Energy Day with special Video creation
"I've seen nuclear have a positive impact on life quality improvement harmoniously with our environment, that's why I want to see nuclear being more taught in schools, so that people become more aware of how nuclear is essential to our society to achieve sustainable development."
Vinícius de Melo Monteiro- Caruaru, Pernambuco, Brazil
Global Network Ambassador for World Nuclear Energy Day
Watch their video celebration here!
A World Nuclear Energy Day "Global Network Ambassador" is a person who represents a specific geographic location on the basis of their notability as a educator and outreach enthusiast. A World Nuclear Energy Day "Global Network Ambassador" can be a person, representing the World Nuclear Energy Day Network, from a country or a person who travels to other countries to bring awareness to their cause or purpose through addressing the people, creating public relations activities and organizing events to maximize educational outreach, globally. The World Nuclear Energy Day Global Network Ambassadors include personalities who have demonstrated excellence in education, communication and social media outreach; and a great ability to organize people and events within their countries. We owe special thanks to these important ambassadors and representatives of the mission of World Nuclear Energy Day celebrations and events.
World Nuclear Energy Day 2021 was epic in size, influence and outreach.
The multilingual, virtual World Nuclear Energy Day celebratory events spanned several time zones and featured prominent activists from every continent, focused on the crucial role that educators play in combating misinformation while also highlighting the positive role that nuclear plays in the climate change battle and why we need transformative nuclear energy education now.
The big day may have come and gone, but keep in touch as we’re always up to something new and exciting.
Celebrate World Nuclear Energy Day annually on December 2nd.
If you like nuclear energy, please make a donation. Suggesting $25 for individuals, $100 for institutions, $500 for corporations with leaders at $1,000.
Your support as a sponsor or partner will enable us to grow faster, meet our goals, broaden outreach, and recognize the heroes!
The multilingual virtual World Nuclear Energy Day events spanned several time zones and featured prominent activists from every continent, focused on the crucial role that educators play in combating misinformation while also highlighting the positive role that nuclear plays in the climate change battle and why we need transformative nuclear energy education now.
Your generous donation in any amount will fund the mission for World Nuclear Energy Day events and celebrations.
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